An Engineer's Literary Notebook

Exploring the real and surreal connections between poetry and engineering


I live in Seattle where it rains a lot so there is plenty of grey sky that is conducive to bouts of reveries, a fitting place for a practicing engineer who is overly fond of words. My favorite words used to be iridescent, loosely, and peal. They were replaced by melancholy,  pleasure, chiaroscuro, and Michaelmas.   I prefer Moore over Mealy state machines, dark chocolate over milk, tennis over baseball, baths over showers, Michael Innes over Ross McDonald, Fitzgerald over Hemingway.   The web offers such amazing possibilities.  Even though it is but an illusion, I feel like I could make this blog a fine and private place to let my musings take on a life of theirs own among friends.

Ba Nguyen

4 Responses to “Curious?”

  1. HMcH said

    love your website– good company, in the privatest sense of the word– thank you


    • xbanguyen said

      Thank you! I am delighted that you visited and honored to know that you consider my musings good company, all the more reason for me to keep on writing.


  2. Ted said


    Could you give me the name of the dingbats font family that were on used on your ‘Of Multiple Dimensions and Dingbats’ piece.

    many thanks Ted
    Cambridge, England


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